


What listening means to me? A quote I found the other day that I think captures how I feel about listening beautifully is "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen". I love this quote because I think many people believe courage is only standing up and making people listen to you. But I believe sitting down and truly listening to someone is sometimes the biggest act of courage. Actively listening to someone makes them feel heard and when people feel heard they start to open up. Active listening is such a beautiful way of communication and I think it is an extremely important skill to be able to listen to someone.

Thank you for reading xoxo

Thandi / 15 /Australia
B-inspired lead curator

things we are inspired by this week

curated by girls around the world

⭐ 1- A Poem /when someone deeply listens to you- john fox

Content from Sara goes here.

Sara, USA



When Someone Deeply Listens to You

When someone deeply listens to you
it is like holding out a dented cup
you’ve had since childhood
and watching it fill up with
cold, fresh water.
When it balances on top of the brim,
you are understood.
When it overflows and touches your skin,
You are loved.

When someone deeply listens to you,
the room where you stay
starts a new life
and the place where you wrote
your first poem
begins to glow in your mind’s eye.
It is as if gold has been discovered!

When someone deeply listens to you,
your bare feet are on the earth
and a beloved land that seemed distant
is now at home within you.

by John Fox in

⭐ 2- video / 6 active listening tips

Thandi, Australia

⭐ 3- audio interviews / storycorps

Storycorps record, preserve, and share stories of people from all backgrounds and beliefs. 

StoryCorps’ mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world. They do this to remind one another of our shared humanity, to strengthen and build the connections between people, to teach the value of listening, and to weave into the fabric of our culture the understanding that everyone’s story matters. At the same time, they are creating an invaluable archive for future generations. On their website they have hundreds of interviews, as well as great questions you can ask to help you have great conversations


Listen to the interview from Mary Holsenbeck, a pilot and flight instructor who’s dream is to go to outer space and Wally Funk, one of her flight students.

When Wally Funk was 8 years old, she jumped off the roof of her barn while wearing a Superman cape, hoping to fly. That desire never left her, and as an adult she became a pilot and flight instructor. But for Wally, the ultimate destination was always outer space.

The women, who became known as the Mercury 13passed many of the same tests as the men, but never got to go to space. More than half a century later, Wally Funk hasn’t given up.

Wally bought a ticket for Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic and hopes to be onboard its maiden voyage into space.


Listening — to loved ones, strangers, faraway places — is an act of generosity and a source of discovery. In this episode, TED speakers describe how we change when we listen deeply. In a special updated interview, StoryCorps founder Dave Isay reflects on how we can best listen to each other, especially within our current political climate. Other guests from the original 2015 broadcast include sound artist Honor Harger, percussionist Evelyn Glennie, and Baptist minister Jeffrey Brown.

⭐ 5- music / What you listen to matters

The music we listen to matters and the best thing we can do for our own mental health is to choose wisely. Pay attention to the lyrics of the songs you are listening to (are they oppressing someone?). Pay attention to how the song makes you feel. And also make sure the music you are listening to is helping you with the task at hand… The music we listen to study or work, may not be the same one we listen to when we are exercising for example.


Here is a playlist I use to focus. and one to cheer you up from She is the Universe!

We have some amazing girls in our community who are super talented. They are brave and sharing with the world from their hearts and minds. Go follow them and show them some love on youtube!

Meet Sylvia Lambley, a 15 year old young woman from Portland, Oregon. 

This is Rosalie, a teen lifestyle blogger from NZ, who has chosen to live life positively and authentically.

Love what you see here? let us know in the comments!

Thank you to all the girls in our community who collaborated to make this happen!



A bit about Thandi, our lead curator

“I don't like talking about myself much but I am a 15 year old girl from NSW, Australia. I love running around and playing sport as well as cuddling up with a good book. My aim is to inspire young girls to reach out and achieve their goals like I have been by Laura Pēna. I love making people laugh and I want to make everyone feel like they are loved, supported and can achieve anything. I have grown up in a fairly sheltered home and I have realized just how lucky I have been. I am inspired by the fact that some people have it so much harder than I do and are still fighting, my long term goal is help give all all people equal opportunities to the amazing life's they deserve. Thank you for reading xoxo”


Thanks to our collaborators this week: Sara Surani, and Laura Pena.

Listen to each other = Love
— Laura Peña

b-inspired is curated for girls by girls like you from around the world!
If you would like to collaborate, Share with us in the comments something that inspire you!


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