We are a global movement for girls’ empowerment


We look to offer girls the support they need to stand in their own stories and to pursue their dreams, through storytelling, mentorship, and community.

We create opportunities to support young women around the world, to shape their future goals and to learn how to attain them through the development of programming and inspiring media, both via the internet, as well as in-person.

Every action we take is based on the knowledge that the world's collective welfare is intertwined with that of its children. Too often, in these turbulent times, the voices of teens and young girls are unheard. 
At She is the Universe we are working to help them amplify their voices and foster their confidence in the power of their thoughts, ideas, and inspiring stories.

Our mission is to support young and teens 
girls around the globe to step into the truth 
that they are powerful beyond measure. 

We are a diverse community of girls of all shapes, sizes, colors, languages and cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Some of the countries the girls come from are Algeria, Philippines, Bolivia, Brazil, USA, Dominican Republic, Canada, Chile, Congo DRC, Turkey, Ecuador, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Hong Kong, The Netherlands, India, South Africa, Kenya, Poland, Mexico, Australia , Nicaragua, Nigeria, Paraguay, Perú, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Colombia, Panamá, Venezuela, Argentina, Cameroon, Portugal, Thailand, Denmark, UK, China, Russia, Iceland, Pakistan, Uganda.

We come together to lead, to celebrate each other, to support each other’s dreams, and listen to each other’s struggles. We have meaningful conversations about what kind of world we are all creating for ourselves and future generations and we take action to see that world.

She is the Universe is a 501(c)(3) non profit and the recipient of a Purpose Earth (a subsidiary of Unity Earth) grant as well as the beneficiary of numerous donations from supporters worldwide.


Our Programs

world changers:
Girls changing the world

We host the World Changers event where we connect girls 12 and up with women from all over the world, who come together to inspire and be inspired by the movements and stories of those who are making a difference. World Changers is created for those who believe in possibility, who know that no matter how old we are, our gender, or where we come from, we can all make a difference RIGHT NOW--first in ourselves, then in our communities, and then the world. Together we are changing the world.


girls galaxy:
A community for girls

Our global community, the Girls galaxy, a safe online support network that brings together young women 16 to 21 years old, from around the world to support and connect with each other, share resources and inspiration they need to grow, pursue their goals and passions, and become the confident leaders they know they can be, in their own lives and in society.

When girls come together and feel seen, heard, and safe, extraordinary outcomes take place. We believe in the power of community and the growth that comes from providing a platform of support for them.


films: stories of girls told by girls

In our docu-series with stories of girls told by girls we explore questions such as What do teenage girls struggle with today? What are their dreams and what kind of world do they see possible? Most importantly, what do they need from all of us to fulfill their potential? 

We set out to travel far and wide with a camera in hand, and a curious mind, to ask them ourselves.

Media plays a critical role in shaping our values and beliefs, especially when representation of diversity in the media is still a huge challenge. Not only in representing girls, but representing diverse girls. By creating media where girls see themselves represented, the way they truly are, speaking about issues affecting them, increasing awareness of their needs and potential, our vision is to spark a global conversation about our future, the key role girls play in it and how we can support them. Our aim is to inspire social change through the art of storytelling.



She is the Universe offers scholarships for girls in developing countries to pursue their higher education and be able to go to college or enroll in a +6 month-long program to advance their education and careers. 

Whenever possible, we partner with trusted local organizations already supporting girls’ empowerment and higher education in their communities. Over the years we have partnered with the Bliss Scholarship Program in the Philippines, The Mariposa Foundation and Dreams in the Dominican Republic.


our impact

Girls from our community find home in 40+ countries around the world

  • Funded and provided mentorship to 10 different girl-led social ventures working to make a change in their local communities in Cameroon, Zimbabwe, United States, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Kenya, Canada, and Peru.

  • Awarded 6 higher education scholarships to girls from The Philippines and the Dominican Republic.

  • Interviewed 70 girls from 13 countries, 28 cities, 5 continents for our Docu-series viewed by 15,000+

  • 120+ girls from 40+ countries connect on our virtual community platform, "The Girls Galaxy"

  • Hosted 25 Girls online Circles and trained 5 Circle leaders to support girls during the pandemic

  • Hosted a free 6-Chapter World Changers virtual event series that introduces girls to topics and speakers about, Diversity & Inclusion, Mental Health, Environment, and Women's Empowerment.