donate to support our generation’s greatest leaders: teenage girls around the world
Your donation supports:
Your gift provides an entry-level grant for a teen girl's project for social change in her community. We have funded art and education programs, period-related projects, and social justice initiatives, among others.
Your gift provides free access to our online community, the Galaxy, and all of our programs for one girl. The Galaxy includes all of our free interactive online leadership programming, opportunities, and exclusive inspirational content.
Your gift allows one girl to join our next three-day in-person retreat at no cost, including transportation, food, workshops, and up to one year of mentorship. They also become part of the Galaxy online community and get access to free interactive online leadership programming, opportunities, and exclusive inspirational content.
Your gift provides a scholarship for one full year of college to a girl in a developing country. We not only pay for their school but also support the scholarship recipient with mentorship, regular check-ins, and growth opportunities. We know that, in order to be able to go to school, students may need additional resources, such as mental health support and covering costs related to internet access, transportation, computers, food, etc. They also become part of the Galaxy online community and get access to free interactive online leadership programming, opportunities, and exclusive inspirational content.
We’re excited to share that our organization has earned a 2022 Silver Seal of Transparency with Candid! Now, you can support our work with trust and confidence by viewing our #NonprofitProfile:
• Building community
Amplifying voices
supporting Leadership
Since we launched in 2018, we have directly impacted the lives of 1,200 girls from 50+ countries through our leadership development programs and more than 15,000 through the ripple effect of hundreds of events, film screenings, and social media programming content. Our goal is to directly impact 1 million girls from every single country around the world.
She is the Universe is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was born out of a desire to show the world and girls how powerful they truly are. Your support will enable us to expand the reach of our programs, provide an ever-growing community to girls from 50+ countries, and amplify their voices on a global platform.
Yes. She is the Universe is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We'll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation.
Have questions? Get in touch here!
Other ways you can contribute
Send a check through mail
She is the Universe Inc
7613 Lake Bolsena Dr
Corpus Christi, Texas, 78413
Corporate sponsorship
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Contact us here to learn more