she is the universe pen pals
Welcome!!! 😊 We are so happy you are here!
How does the Pen pal works? You will exchange emails for one month. Each week we will send an email with the theme for the week. You can use it as a guide, but feel free to talk about anything you feel is important to you! You can send photos, videos, words, songs, poems!
How long?: 4 weeks
How many times?: You will be sending at least one email a week.
Very important! if for any reason you are not able to do this, or at any point you can not continue with the emails exchange before the month is over, please let me and the other girl know. This is important. It can happen but we don’t want to leave anyone waiting. That would be a little sad.
!!! Every girl is someone we either know personally, or someone connected to our community. Respect and safety are super important to us, so if there are any issues, and you for any reason don’t feel safe, reach out to me immediately using this email
By participating on this, you agree to not share each other’s information unless you ask your pal for their permission.
sample program
✏️💖💻 1. introduce yourself
Our theme for this week is THIS IS ME!
• Introduce yourself to your pal: Who are you? What do you love doing? How do you define yourself? How do you spend your time? Etc.
• At the end, ask questions! Now that you know your who your pen pal is, what are 3 things you would like to ask them?
come and say hello!
We have a call prepared for June 26th/27th.There is nothing to prepare, just come and say hello!
Depending on where you are in the world, the day and time will be different. So check on the exact times for you.
June 26:
Dominican Republic: 5:00 pm
Portland: 2:00 PM
Indiana: 5:00 pm
Minnesota: 4:00 pm
Brazil: 6:00 pm
The Netherlands: 11:00 pm
June 27:
Thailand: 4:00 am
Australia: 7:00 am
Philippines: 5:00 am
Some things to get inspired:
This is a pretty cool video for ideas of what you could ask your pal. It is ok if you don’t watch them all.
Here is a fund video we found about what to write on your first letter for inspiration! We are doing digital letters, but a lot of the things she mentions are super helpful:
✏️✏️💖💻 2. what’s your dream?
Welcome to week 2! The theme for this week is DREAMS! And here are the prompts:
- What is your dream or dreams? or, what do you LOVE doing? This is not necessarily about what you want to do for work (but it can be). We really want you to answer this question: If you could spend the rest of your life doing just one thing, what would that be (Sleeping is not a valid answer to this one!)
- How do you realized you wanted to do this?
- What can be on your way to doing more of that, becoming that, achieving that?
Dreams are our thing. It took Laura, the founder of She is the Universe a long loooong time to realize what her dream was, but she always knew she wanted to be happy, share her love with others, and be inspired and inspire others. This community is one of her many dreams!!!
As always, these questions are a guide. You may chose to talk about whatever you like, or just continue the conversations you have already been having, or start by saying hello if you have not connected yet.
I hope you are having some fun connecting!
Sharing our dreams with others can also be super powerful!
And can sometimes also be a little scary. But if you think you are the only one who feels this way, please know you are not. So many of us think that others may make fun of us, or not understand us. This is why we share them with people who are supportive and want the very best for us. Like the girls on this group!
Here is a short video of Kaya, a brave young woman Laura interviewed in Denmark. She also feels this way, but sharing her dream with someone who cares, was a powerful moment for both of them.
Here are some ideas to get you inspired about your dreams!
And if you ever doubt that your dream can be a reality, look at this video for inspiration:
✏️✏️✏️💖💻 3. superpowers
Welcome to week 3! The theme for this week is SUPERPOWERS! And here is the Prompt:
- What are your superpowers?
We all come to this world with gifts inside of us. And those gifts are meant to be shared with others. At She is the Universe we believe that life is like a giant puzzle and each of us has a piece, a beautiful gift. And if we don’t share our gifts, our super powers, the world would miss out.
Our super powers are not only the things we do best (because sometimes we need time and practice to develop our talents), but they are things we love doing. Things we can spend hours and hours exploring. Maybe you don’t know YET what your superpowers are, but we all have them. Some are super obvious, but some are not. And now is a great time to think about it!!! :)
Maybe you love to write, paint, sing, or maybe your compassion, your caring and love are your superpowers. And if you feel like it, think about how you could use your superpowers for good! Make a list, share it with your pen pal!
Sometimes your love and your caring are your superpowers!
We believe that is the case for Sammie, one of the amazing girls in our community. She then took her superpowers and created an amazing project. Check it out.
And there are also talents that are super fun, like these ones
✏️✏️✏️✏️💖💻 4. dear me…
Week 4 is all about thinking of our younger selves.
- If you could go back in time what’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self? Or, also you could write down 11 things you would tell your younger self. Up to you.
It is important to reflect on how we have grown, and what things we know now that we did not know before. Sometimes we can only see the lessons we have learned when the time has passed. This is also an opportunity to tell yourself all of these things that maybe you needed to hear when you were younger, no matter if you are 8, 14 or 20, we are always growing and evolving and there is a lot of wisdom inside of us. You know when someone comes to you with a problem, and you can tell them what you think? this is the same, but you are basically giving advice to yourself, in the past. Things you may want to tell yourself now that you needed to hear maybe 1, 2 or 5 years from now are, “I love you”, “you are stronger than you think”, “that thing you are so worried about, it will all be ok in the end”. And so much more! Nobody knows your life story as you do!
And as always, these are optional prompts and you can choose to continue the conversation you are having.
this video is from the #DearMe initiative to inspire and empower young girls everywhere.
We all know that growing up is tough. But if you could go back in time, what wisdom would you share with your teenage self? It all starts with two words. Dear Me.